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[ Göbzi ]
Current version: 1.5 TinkerShop
Gobzi is a crosscountry calculator program for Palm OS based PDAs (such as Palm, Visor, etc., hand held computers). [It is not running on Palm OS 5 yet.]

This program allows the pilot to calculate Time on Route, Fuel consumption, crosswind, head/tail wind components, wind correction angle for a given speed, density altitude, pressure altitude, freezing level, estimated cumulus cloud base, weight and balance calculation, balance envelop graph, information and various unit conversions, such as distance, weight and temperature.

In addition, includes a generic check list, with with common sqawk codes and flight service station frequency, light gun signals, minimum VFR day and night equipment requirement, and IFR flight equipment. Includes a list of required documents. Includes a flight plan with Zulu clock, IFR alternate regulation, and alternate visibility requirement.

The program can operate in either

  • crosscountry mode (check point to check point)
  • single leg mode.
In single distance mode the program calculates how long it will take to get to the destination at current ground speed. It also calculates how much fuel left in gallons and in flight time.

*** Pilots must observe fuel reserve regulations! ***

In crosscountry mode, after reaching each checkpoint, the program calculates the time on route left to the destination, and how long it took to get to this point (with a built in timer),

Then calculates the fuel burnt in gallons and remaing fuel both in gallons and in flight time. At each checkpoint the used amount of fuel and the distance of current and previous checkpoints are deducted from total fuel on board and total distance.

Once fuel on board, consumption rate, and final destination distance is entered, all the pilot needs to do is to enter the distance to the next check point and start/stop the timer. At each checkpoint hit the TOR button and Fuel button to recalculate all values.

In addition, calculates crosswind, and head/tail wind components of current flight conditions.

Another added feature calculates density and pressure altitude with simple inputs, such as air temperature, field elevation, and altimeter setting. In addition, Gobzi will estimate the current freezing level, in MSL, and the estimated cumulus cloud bases, also in MSL. Simply subtract field elevation from these values if you want to know these in AGL.

Includes a check list.

Measurement conversion screen helps convert statute to nautical to kilometers and vice versa, Temperature conversion, weight conversion, fuel weight to gallons conversions are also included.

Also includes a "Notes" section that reads in a Memo Pad file. First you Need to create a category called "Gobzi" (case sensitive) in Memo Pad and there you may create as many files as you wish. For example, you may want to keep your plane's performance numbers to review before each flight, such as Vx, Vy, Va, Vs, Vso and so on.

Or you may want to plan your cross country and put all your airports runways and frequencies in such file. Please note that Palm uses the first line of each Memo Pad file as its filename. The user can be descriptive, but I found that it is hard to type long filename in while flying.

You can set up and store information on multiple (25) airplanes in you Palm. Every time you fly, simply tap in the values and you have instant weight and balance calculation. If you are overloaded the plane Gobzi will alert you based on the criteria you set up.

All data must come from the plane's actual Pilot Operating Handbook (POH)!!! Bad data can KILL YOU! All data has to be entered in terms of "weight" and "arm". Unfortunately Cessna planes use "weight" and "moment". In this situation you need to convert the "moment" to "arm".

So how do you convert "moment" to "arm"? Well, multiply the arm by 1000, then divide the result by weight. All single engine Cessnas use "moment" in their weight and balance calculation and graphing.

To set up the weight and balance envelop graph, moment values are allowed to put in. Simply select the "Moment" from the drop down to let the program know how you plan to graph your envelop.

The program includes a flight plan with a Zulu clock displayed on the same page. Also list special equipment for flight plan. IFR alternate requirements, and alternate visibility requirements. and shows a brief list of useful frequencies.

Includes a generic check list, with common squawk codes, light gun signals minimum VFR day and night equipment requirement list, and minimum IFR equipment list. In addition, shows a quick list of required documentations.

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          Tel:      (216) 228-8753